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Lydias 60th birthday party in Freiburg was a big success. Over forty guests came to celebrate in a small restaurant, owned by a friend of the Family. The pictures speak for themselves:

60geb 05.jpg (12134 bytes) 60geb 09.jpg (22130 bytes) 60geb 03.jpg (26066 bytes)

with sister Nellie
60geb 12.jpg (49455 bytes)


60geb 02.jpg (41374 bytes)

Pumpkin soup
60geb 07.jpg (47390 bytes)


60geb 08.jpg (48918 bytes)


60geb 04.jpg (33966 bytes) 60geb 01.jpg (33159 bytes)
60geb 06.jpg (51425 bytes) 60geb 10.jpg (43493 bytes)
60geb 11.jpg (52075 bytes)

did I say that is was a Turkish restaurant?

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